Retirement & Wealth – Where do the parties stand

Retirement & Wealth – Where do the parties stand

As if it were possible for any UK readers to be unaware.. there is an election coming up. I’ve previously spoke a bit on some of my thoughts on certain policies such as a taxation on wealth (Which, no surprise; I’m against) and inheritance tax.

It seems most of the current debate unsurprisingly centres around the economy, healthcare and immigration. Unfortunately there hasn’t been much information in the media about the various pledges regarding the state pension and taxation on the wealthy; both issues likely to affect those trying to increase their wealth for earlier retirement.

I was recently sent this excellent Infographic which is one of the few to include such details alongside the other main issues. Whichever way your political viewpoint might lean, make sure you do go out and use your right to vote.


Retirement, the Election and You - An Infographic from My Retirement Options

Created by My Retirement Options

3 thoughts on “Retirement & Wealth – Where do the parties stand

  1. Thank you for this Guy.

    This is just what I needed to see before the election. Cut out the politic spin and BS, and let’s just compare all of the main issues across the parties.

    After reading this chart, it’s confirmed my decision. Thanks again!


  2. That election caught the attention of the Australian Press to, and congratulations there was a winner and there were losers. I use to be interested in politics, but lately, I’ve been too busy having a real life to keep up with what is essentially just two great advertising campaigns.

    How does this affect your retirement? The truth is unless you are retiring in the next 2-3 years, it probably has nothing to do with it. Because it’s bound to change a few more time yet before you reach FI.

    Imagine what you could have achieved with those hours/days you spent engrossed in the election campaign, for me I would have just written more blog posts.

    People spend too much time watching TV, news, social media and have lost the art of doing the work needed to get you to this dream of FI.

    Stay the course, work your arse off and stop wasting time on anything that smells of advertising. It’s only there to distract you.

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