The easiest way to keep up with blog posts – Blogtrottr

The easiest way to keep up with blog posts – Blogtrottr

If you’re anything like me, you will have a large network of blogs you read either regularly or occasionally. I love following other people’s blogs as it gives an insight into the different parts of the journey to Financial Independence while providing a wealth of tried and tested methods to achieve it.  Sometimes however it can be difficult to keep up with multiple blogs, especially if you’re using the old fashioned Bookmarking method. Back when I first started reading blogs online, I’d literally have a long list of sites in my bookmarks which I’d then scroll through at the start of everyday to see which had been updated. Inefficient and time consuming!

Mailing lists

Mailing lists have been around forever and everyone is familiar with them. Unfortunately with a mailing list you are under the control of the list owner as there’s no guarantee of what content will be sent or and if you can be removed from the list. Sometimes bloggers can forget to send out an email alerting people to their new post, or may be unwilling or unable to remove people from the list (personally I use Mail Chimp which offers recievers an automatic method of unsubscribing should they wish).

Standard RSS Feeds

Another method is RSS feeds which you subscribe to from your preferred reader site/application. These provide an automated way of collecting newly published posts but again rely on the blog owner to have setup and manage the RSS feed in the first place. You’ve also got little control over how and when the RSS feed updates and with limited filtering.


While looking for an alternative to these 2 methods I came across the excellent Blogtrottr site. This free tool allows you to subscribe to blog sites and receive email notifications when a new post is published. Depending on how the blog owner has set their site up; it will either email you the latest post title and link, or a full copy of the content. You can setup filtering to only send specific posts and control the schedule of updates should you wish to receive a daily digest of them all. Best of all; you maintain complete control over your subscriptions and can unsubscribe from any site you want. There’s no need to setup an account either.. just enter the website you want to follow and your Email address and it’ll send you a confirmation email to get the subscription activated.

I’ve been using Blogtrottr for a couple of years now and it’s been excellent in helping me keep up with the many blogs I follow. I’ve not been asked or paid to recommend it, just thought it might be of value to any other keen blog readers out there, enjoy!

10 thoughts on “The easiest way to keep up with blog posts – Blogtrottr

  1. I tend to use Feedly which by the sound of it does pretty much the same as blogtrotter via RSS (there’s an app as well so I can pick new articles up on my phone as well) – like you say does depend on the site owner having set up RSS

    Like you I used to work my way down a whole list of bookmarks – not ideal :-)


    1. I also use feedly, used it since google decided to give up on it’s google reader, makes it easy to see when new posts become available

  2. Hi Guy,

    Thanks for the info – I am still doing it the hard way of opening all of the tabs and waiting to go through :)

  3. Hi Guy,

    Ironically, I got your post through Bloglovin’, which sounds quite similar to Blogtrottr. I also use Feedly to keep up with blogs.

    Always good to have a third option though – thanks for the tip.


  4. I’ve been using Bloglovin’, as I was having trouble getting updates on some sites, such as Hew’s Financially Free by Forty. Seems to work okay.

  5. I would probably use Blogtrottr if I didn’t already use Bloglovin, which is how I keep track of the non-UK blogs I follow. Most of the UK ones that I follow I have on my own Blog Roll so easier to follow that way.

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